A Negative Yelp Review Is a ___________ Cost

12 Examples of Great Responses to Negative Yelp Reviews

Image of home service provider responding to negative yelp reviews

Negative reviews can feel similar a slap in the face, which is completely understandable — y'all're passionate about what you lot do, and it hurts when someone says something negative about your business.

The fact is, you tin can't make everyone happy, and it'southward inevitable that at some point one of your customers will post a review that doesn't paint your company in the greatest light…in a public forum… for all your electric current and potential customers to meet. (Yikes!)

What should y'all exercise when a client writes a negative review nearly you on Yelp?

Nosotros're going to show you twelve great examples of how business organization owners have handled this viscid situation and show you how you tin larn from them.

Responding to negative Yelp reviews is a must

As a modest business organisation owner, it'southward your responsibility to manage your reputation, and online reviews are critical to referrals. According to BrightLocal's Annual Local Consumer Report Survey 2018, 89% of consumers read business' responses to reviews.

That means consumers are watching you lot on Yelp. Your prospects want to see how you handle positive and negative feedback. Information technology's an important ownership indicator for them.

If you think that your prospects aren't actually searching for client reviews of your business online, recollect again. Brightlocal found that 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses, and the numbers increment inside younger demographics.

Consumers end up reading an average of ten reviews online before they brainstorm trusting a local business organisation. Then if your Yelp review game isn't strong, then you should consider working on it!

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Transform bad reviews into an opportunity for practiced client service

Taking the fourth dimension to resolve issues online shows your community that you value every client, no matter what they take to say.

The good news is that y'all tin can often reduce or even reverse the effects of a negative review by crafting a clear, professional response as quickly as possible.

According to Yelp, responding to a review within a 24-hr time catamenia makes the reviewer 33% more than likely to upgrade their review.

If you're not sure how to arroyo a negative review, or aren't certain about how to turn the state of affairs around, take a expect at some strategies below.

READ MORE: Prevent negative reviews in the commencement place by sending client feedback surveys

one. Forgetting to follow-upward

image of a negative yelp review

Let's be real: it'south not piece of cake to keep track of every client interaction. You either have to be on the ball, or take a fantastic field service CRM to remind you to follow-up after a customer interaction or site visit. On top of that, following upwards after a quote tin can be tricky to navigate too.

If you notice yourself in this state of affairs, take inspiration from Justin, Owner of A & J Fencing. He has washed a smashing chore of sincerely taking ownership of the state of affairs.

He has also personalized the bulletin by addressing the reviewer by proper name. He acknowledged that he may take lost the reviewer as a client; however, he has asked for some other chance to "earn" their business organization.

Justin's response shows the audition that he is actively trying to learn from his mistakes and is making changes in his business to accost them.

It'southward one thing to apologize, but it's another thing to say that you're acknowledging the effect and doing something nearly it. Showing the audition that you're making improvements is crucial because it displays how much y'all care about customer service.


If there is any way to earn your business in the future please allow me know.

Justin Lena, A & J Fencing Quote

2. Failing to reply phone phone call complaints


John from Response Pest Control does a great job at keeping a level-head in this interaction. Instead of calling the author out, he tries his best to explain where he went wrong and why it happened.

Although some folks might view this as John just making excuses, deport in listen that he owns his mistakes, and nonetheless takes full responsibility for the lack of advice. He is too trying his best to instill some empathy in this writer past explaining what it's like to own a small business concern, so the audience can set some fair expectations when they try to contact him.

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3. Appointment no-shows


This review is a classic example of a modest mistake that snowballed into a large deal for the business owner. Information technology'due south very challenging to proceed your book of business in line if yous're relying on spreadsheets or pen and paper. Mistakes can exist made when yous don't have trackable client history and notes attached to every business relationship, similar you lot would in a CRM.

Yet, Trimaine took a lot of time to write the reviewer back and repent for the mistake, and he did an excellent job.

image of negative yelp review

Although his response is a chip long, he made sure to respond with empathy, of import details, an explanation, and a solution to offer the customer.

Nosotros love this review response considering Trimaine is very professional with his give-and-take choice. He's transparent about what happened because he wants to explain how the mistake happened (by the fault of his team). He wants to make sure that all the readers know the situation, and what his squad did to rectify it so it won't happen again. He as well shows the audience that he'll go higher up and across to get back in affect with the reviewer.

Finally, he publicly acknowledges how frustrating this fault was, and offers compensation out of pocket–something that'due south usually done in private with the customer. He shows anybody that he's not agape to pay for mistakes if it means that his customers are happy.

This response was so professional and sincere that it led to the reviewer posting a 5-star follow-up review!

four. Owning upward to pricing issues or misunderstandings ane-on-one

image of negative yelp review

Sometimes a state of affairs might exist likewise challenging to explain or solve over a Yelp review. In these cases, the best course of action is to take things out of the public centre. Although nosotros aren't certain what came of this situation, we can exist sure that the business possessor cares virtually customer service enough to offer a solution in private. They gave the reviewer a few different ways to get in touch offline.

This is important because it shows the audience that the business concern possessor is willing to piece of work with the client in the event of a dispute, instead of ignoring them or getting defensive in public.


We are committed to providing the highest level of service and would like to hear more well-nigh your personal situation. Please email our Customer Relation Specialist at...

Alberto, HVAC Service Heating & Air Workout Quote

v. Re-negotiating with facts


We all know the infamous platitude…but the customer isn't ever correct— and when they are wrong, information technology can bite yous. For example, they might over exaggerate their claim, forget crucial details, or attempt and make a example confronting you if they're not happy. The best matter that you can do is be transparent with them and the audience.

In this case, Austin politely called out the customer on some basic facts that don't align with their claims. Information technology doesn't injure to do this if you can be off-white about it. It tin can reposition the negative review to look a scrap unreasonable given what's in plain sight (like vehicle branding and website data.) This business owner does a great task of explaining their side of the conversation without seeming accusatory or rude.

6. Answer positive reviews, too

image of negative yelp review

Even if the review is great, information technology's all the same skilful to follow-up. This helps yous ensure that your customer knows you've heard their concerns and value their business. Information technology too shows all the other readers that yous personally care nigh the business organisation and your customer satisfaction. That in and of itself can make someone make up one's mind to hire yous over your competitors.

When your clients write you a solid review make sure to send them a follow-up email, or mark it down in your CRM client notes so you tin offer them a modest thank-you when you run across them next.


Thank you then much for taking the time to requite u.s. this feedback...Thank you so much for the business organization and we look frontwards to be of service to you in the future!

Tami, Acclaimed! Heating, Cooling, & Furnace Cleaning Quote

7. A client's misunderstanding turns into a negative Yelp review

image of negative yelp review

This client might have needed a refresher earlier they went to review Yarrow Landscaping. This is a very common mistake–especially when clients are a bit disgruntled. They might forget what they asked yous to do, and information technology adds to their existing frustration (which might not take been your fault to begin with). Nonetheless, Staci did a fantastic job responding to the client in this circumstance.

Her approach was to give the reviewer a gentle reminder about the context of the project. She besides fabricated information technology a bespeak to reconnect with the client and make sure she did everything possible to ensure they were satisfied. The results paid off equally the client updated their review.

Some of you might think that giving context to a negative review is the aforementioned as giving excuses— but it's not. Sometimes information technology'southward the only way to explicate where the feedback is coming from.

image of negative yelp review

This business owner did a great task of explaining the situation in a positive manner that makes it seem like all decisions were made to "support" the customer even so possible. This interaction resulted in an updated positive review later some offline interaction.

In the future, the best fashion to avert this situation is to make sure that the client signs off on projection changes during the quote approval process. Having written proof to back yous upwards ensures everyone is on the same folio.

eight. Poor customer service that doesn't reverberate your business organization

image of negative yelp review

If yous haven't had this experience yet, yous know someone who has. A client complains nigh client service that is well below the bar you lot hold your employees at.

In this circumstance, Chelsea apologizes for this reviewer's bad experience and likewise reinforces that this is not what her concern considers to be skillful service. She does a great task of empathizing with the disappointment.

The of import thing about Chelsea's response is that she does not attempt and justify or explain why the client received unsatisfactory service. Instead she apologizes, and offers to accept the chat offline in lodge to do what she can to turn this unhappy customer into a happy one.


We are very disappointed to learn that our support team did non handle your case with the care and efficiency our customers deserve...

Chelsea, TruGreen Backyard Care Quote

9. Dissatisfied customers tin can write lengthy, detailed bad reviews you need to clean upward after

image of negative yelp review

Once once again, this business owner experiences a complaint that does not reflect their company values or service standards.

However, the deviation betwixt this response and the one to a higher place is brevity.

If you think that responding to a negative Yelp review needs to accept a few hours to go things sorted, don't exist then certain. While a lengthy response is nice, sometimes a short, polite, and professional message is all you lot need to address a negative review.

The business owner wrote a curt response dorsum and did a prissy chore of explaining that they were not happy with the customer's experience. They "sincerely apologized for annihilation less than an excellent experience," and explained that the dissatisfied customer'due south experience "is not the norm."

The business organisation owner  was willing to do what information technology takes to get the customer happy offline. They explained that they emailed the client and wished to get in touch with them, and promised that they would "curve over backwards to make sure" the customer was satisfied.

The customer ended up re-writing their review and rounded upwardly to 3.v stars after 1 employee reached out to them. Friendly Maid House offered the customer a full refund, which was enough to convince the unhappy customer that this company has "impressive" customer service. They even admitted on Yelp that they would try this cleaning business concern again in the hereafter!

x. Employee mistakes that tarnish your reputation

image of negative yelp review

Ryan, the business organisation owner, did a keen job addressing an awful situation. While this has zero to do with the business' service, it has everything to do with its reputation. Ryan'south reaction was empathetic, respectful, and fair. He took responsibility for his squad, even though their deportment practice not represent him or his company's values.

This is very important to note. Your employees are the face up of your visitor and everything that they exercise reflects back on you. To rectify this situation, Ryan publicly outlines the visitor values, what deportment he is going to accept with his team, and how he is willing to aid the bystanders.

Readers care a lot nigh how a business owner reacts to employee behaviour. The fact that Ryan cares then much about the problem that he is going to take company-wide action speaks volumes.


As the business owner, I am embarrassed and horrified to hear this...We will try to decide which employee this was and take cosmetic action.

Ryan, Excel Home Painting Quote

xi. Questionable negative Yelp reviews

image of negative yelp review

This reviewer posted with a random screen name, no photo, and didn't give any insight into the type of work that was done. This situation happens occasionally when an aggravated customer doesn't want to show their face online. However, sometimes it happens when a competitor is trying to get an unfair advantage over yous.

It'south very common for business concern owners to respond with sly or rude remarks to the writer. Eric, even so, did a great task responding to this comment.

He enforced his company values by letting the reviewer know that they want to resolve the situation. He as well gently asked if they have the right business without brushing them off or being condescending. This was a good move on his office because it allows the audience to remember critically almost who the writer is on their ain terms without Eric suggesting that they are in the wrong.

This could help the reader realize that the negative Yelp review was posted unfairly and disregard information technology.


I'1000 sorry we permit you down by not responding promptly when you chosen. Delight accept my sincerest apologies.

John P., 1st Response Pest Control Quote

12. Negative reviews… that aren't for your business organization?

image of negative yelp review

With the sheer number of businesses out there, information technology is inevitable that you lot'll receive a review that isn't meant for you. That'southward what happened to a higher place.

Denise did a great job of responding to this review. She reinforced her company's customer service process and explained why it didn't line upwards with the experience that the reviewer was describing. Instead of expressing her frustration with the botch, or correcting the writer, she was extremely professional and polite. Denise'south response was excellent because information technology communicated her company'south protocol and quoting process to the audience, which makes Peak Covering Contractors look swell online.

How Non to reply negative Yelp reviews

The worst thing you tin do when responding to a review is appear confrontational, accusatory, angry, or emotional — even if that is exactly how you feel.

Yous don't desire to offset a fight with a customer in a public forum that could potentially tank your business, nor do you want to seem footling or unprofessional.

Here'southward what NOT to practice when crafting your response:

  • Be defensive, sly, or backhanded
  • Attempt to "prove a indicate"
  • Effort and brand the author wait bad
  • Invite a rebuttal
  • Write a long response
  • Point fingers
  • Swear or use offensive language

Turn unhappy customers into your biggest fans on review websites

When writing your response to a negative Yelp review, be brief, apologize, and get to the signal. Steer the customer towards having a chat offline. You tin can and so return to the original online conversation in one case the issue has been resolved, and thank them for their business organisation and the chance to ready the problem.

Hither are some fundamental points to keep in mind:

  • Respond rapidly (inside 24-hours)
  • Personalize the message
  • Exist sincere in your apology
  • Resolve the issue and offering a solution
  • Thank the customer for their feedback
  • Highlight company values
  • Keep information technology as brief equally possible while acknowledging the issue
  • Sign off with your name

No ane is looking for a perfect response or solution, they merely want their concerns to be heard, understood, and addressed.

If you tin can do that on a public forum similar Yelp, then you'll make your negative reviewer happy, and y'all'll bear witness potential customers that you're an honest and trustworthy business. Sometimes that's enough to convince them to hire you lot when all is said and done.

Come across our post How to Respond to Negative Reviews (with Expert Examples) for more than tips on responding to negative reviews.

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Source: https://academy.getjobber.com/resources/articles/good-responses-negative-yelp-reviews/

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