All Kinds of Tied Down Mary Calmes Read Online

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~✡~Dαni(ela) ♥ ♂♂ love & semi-colons~✡~
Let me starting time by saying that if you lot're a big Calmes fan, you may dear this book, and that'southward bang-up. Mary Calmes has a sure formula that appeals to a lot of people, although information technology felt a little recycled and trite to me hither.

We have the outset-person POV (Miro's in this case); the all-time friend and partner who's straight/in the cupboard; the waiting and unrequited beat out; the drama along the fashion (bad guys to catch, cases to solve); many secondary characters; and a cherry-topped ending.

The guys in All Kind

Let me start by saying that if you lot're a large Calmes fan, you may beloved this volume, and that's bang-up. Mary Calmes has a certain formula that appeals to a lot of people, although it felt a picayune recycled and trite to me here.

We have the first-person POV (Miro's in this example); the best friend and partner who'southward straight/in the closet; the waiting and unrequited beat out; the drama along the manner (bad guys to catch, cases to solve); many secondary characters; and a cherry-red-topped ending.

The guys in All Kinds of Tied Down are federal marshals, and Miro is pining for his directly (*scoffs*) best friend Ian.

Ian is afraid of being hurt, of beingness left. When Miro finally realizes at 60 percent in that Ian needs to be handled, needs to submit, the spark is lit.

I liked the steam in this book; it was hot, a little rough, but also tender. I liked Ian; he was gruff and a total wild carte du jour. The tension between Ian and Miro was palpable even later on they came together. (view spoiler)["Came together" - get information technology? *snort* (hibernate spoiler)]

The main issue I had is that the book meandered. Information technology was long, and many of the details were unnecessary. I don't mind action in my books, but at times here information technology felt similar filler.

Calmes writes well, and the story was fairly enjoyable (if besides long), but I didn't think it was a standout.

Jun 04, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Re-read Baronial 2015: I loved this fifty-fifty more than the 2d time! The sequel CANNOT come shortly enough!

As the vast majority of you reading this review already know, Mary Calmes is kind of THE shit when information technology comes to writing M/1000 romance novels. When she gets information technology wrong, it'due south a rare occasion and usually a minority group who call up then, and when she gets is correct, it is a wonder to behold for all lovers of the M/M romance genre. She gives her characters quirks and flaws, strengths and weaknesses, all in outstan

Re-read August 2015: I loved this even more the 2nd time! The sequel CANNOT come soon enough!

Equally the vast majority of you reading this review already know, Mary Calmes is kind of THE shit when information technology comes to writing M/M romance novels. When she gets it wrong, it's a rare occasion and ordinarily a minority group who call up so, and when she gets is right, it is a wonder to behold for all lovers of the M/M romance genre. She gives her characters quirks and flaws, strengths and weaknesses, all in outstanding, meticulous detail.

All Kinds of Tied Down tells the story of two U.s.a. Marshalls. 31 yr onetime Deputy US Marshal Miro Jones, raised in an unloving, neglected foster home environs, he considers his four female college roommates and fellow Marshalls his family unit. 36 year old Deputy US Marshall Ian Doyle, a product of a cleaved home, currently (and reluctantly) re-establishing a relationship with his estranged father after the death of his mother and dating a beautiful, understanding woman named Emma. He as well owns a giant, scary looking dog named Chickie Babe.

Miro and Ian have been partners on the Marshall'southward team for iii years and have grown incredibly shut. They are the best of friends and take an excellent working relationship. The story is told from Miro's POV and so we run across quite rapidly and conspicuously that he is hopelessly, stupidly head-over-heels in dear and lust with Ian. What nosotros likewise see, that Miro seems NOT to see, is that Ian is ridiculously dependant on Miro's visitor and comfort to get him through his ain daily life. The subtle hints, glances and ho-hum burn are FANTASTIC here and the build upward to the outset osculation just about KILLED me! I did accept one problem with the story, but it wasn't a deal billow. Information technology but kept it from making my fuck yep, v+ stars list. Please only read if you lot've already read the book, because this is a spoiler and you lot will savour this book much more than if you are able to draw your own conclusions.

(view spoiler)[While Ian did not come right out and say information technology, he did allude to the fact (as did Miro) that the main reason he decided to accept Miro on as a sexual partner was because Miro was the only one who would ever exist able to satisfy his particular sexual kink. I need several beers and a fun book club to mull that i over with! But I never doubted Ian's dearest for Miro. (hibernate spoiler)]

All M/Chiliad romance lovers, read this book! It is lovely and sweet and rather

hot indeed! Remember that it is a tedious burn, so be patient for the hot 'northward heavy. Information technology is TOTALLY worth every moment. *dreamy sigh*

Edited to add: I just went through and read some detailed reviews from my GR friends and run into that Sam Kage, Ian and Miro'due south dominate, is the master subject in the dear Matter of Time series. HOLY SHIT! Those books have been on my shelves FOREVER, but at that place are so fucking many of them, they have scared me off considering I'grand afraid I'll become sucked in and neglect my family and friends and master means of income. Merely, fuck it, I am going to start them now because Sam Kage? And his mini van driving married man with their two adorable kids? I NEED that story like I need my next breath. Fuck...

This review is also posted at Gay Book Reviews

May 20, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Update: Information technology'south 2020 - time for a re-read 😍


Update: I'm craving something awesome - so a re-read is in order (2019)


I don't often have these kind of reading experiences, where everything merely clicks for me, and I'm immersed in a series for days on finish.

I'one thousand not going to review each volume, most of them were iv.5 stars, but the overall feel, the way I felt while reading this entire series deserves a 5 star.

At times I was smile like a

Update: It's 2020 - time for a re-read 😍


Update: I'yard craving something crawly - and then a re-read is in club (2019)


I don't often take these kind of reading experiences, where everything simply clicks for me, and I'one thousand immersed in a series for days on terminate.

I'm not going to review each book, near of them were 4.5 stars, merely the overall experience, the way I felt while reading this unabridged serial deserves a 5 star.

At times I was grin similar a lunatic. The banter was and so awesome that I couldn't believe my eyes. Bromances are similar chocolate – I tin't always have enough and this serial had astonishing bromances and genuine friendships that brought a smile to my face. The main couple grew, compromised and built a lasting human relationship inside those pages. The federal cases, and the activeness blew my mind. It was like watching an activity bear witness at times. Only amazingly entertaining.

Honestly this series was like kindle cleft for me. I couldn't, wouldn't put my kindle downwardly. And at present, having finished the Marshals series – I'1000 at a loss for words.

I might even say I'1000 experiencing a book hangover.

The books aren't perfect but the feelings they invoked in me are what makes the perfect reading experience. I'grand going to purchase the paperbacks ($15 each) simply so I tin have them on my shelf. That's crazy right there – but it likewise pretty much describes my feelings for this series.


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My favorite MM books.

Emma Sea
Jul 04, 2014 rated it actually liked it
In which Jory finally tops!

This was really, really weird.

In this iteration, Jory is a federal marshall and is tall and muscular. That's not the weird part. The weird part is that the story starts at 53%.

In gaming, quite oftentimes at that place are mini-missions before the actual missions, where you are allowed to get the hang of your controls earlier the story proper starts. Sometimes that's written as a grooming camp, or mayhap a Not Player Grapheme will walk you through a simple set of tasks: crawl here,

In which Jory finally tops!

This was really, really weird.

In this iteration, Jory is a federal marshall and is tall and muscular. That's not the weird part. The weird role is that the story starts at 53%.

In gaming, quite oftentimes there are mini-missions before the bodily missions, where you are allowed to go the hang of your controls before the story proper starts. Sometimes that's written as a training army camp, or maybe a Non Role player Character will walk you through a unproblematic gear up of tasks: crawl hither, bound hither, utilize this cover, now aim and fire your pistol like this. That's what the first 53% of the volume felt like.

In that location's a scene where Ian drives like a bedlamite. Where Ian arrests someone at a party. Where Miro dives off a balcony. Where Miro pulls a Clarice. Where Miro smells a trap. Where Miro rescues a witness with the assistance of kind civilians. Where four gorgeous, high-achieving women love on

Jory Miro. None of these sections accept any relevance to the master story, but feel like we are being given a run a risk to learn to drive the characters. These short episodes continue until, in what felt like 'Mary Calmes does Sticks & Stones,' finally Ian and Miro play foster-daddies in the wilderness to pair-bonded babygays. At, every bit mentioned before, 53%. It involved rocket launchers.

There was a pregnant character, countenance waggle, peacoats, half-trenches, toggle coats, duffle coats, at that place was so much interior blueprint, and so much footwear, SO MUCH food, including pie, in that location were enough mentions of Chicago to sink a Nimitz, Miro's finer an orphan, at that place was fifty-fifty a neurosurgeon who did not operate on an MC. And there were curt take hold of-ups on others from the Calmesiverse: Sam Kage, Duncan whatshisname, those guys from Where You lot Atomic number 82, original Jory plus the kids, etc etc. The book felt like a kind of farewell; a tribute mash-up of every Calmes book ever.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, merely information technology was weird.

Ian and Miro redeemed the volume. They are the but story chemical element that goes from 1 stop to the other, and they make it totally worth it. The smoochiest, angstiest, lubiest, yummiest Calmes pair ever. But I would have liked an actual manus chore on the airplane, delight. Just throw 'em a human knee rug or something.

Wendys Wycked Words
Re-read again...

Damn this was a expert book. I loved information technology. But then once again who wouldn't dearest ii handsome alpha men going at it. I loved the storyline, the suspense, the hotness. It does take half of the book for the MCs to become involved (sexually), but I actually didn't listen, because the built-upwards was overnice and the story was interesting. Once they exercise get together...sparks are flight mmmm.

I will definitely read this ane again and I'm gonna bank check out some more books by this writer because I similar her writ

Re-read once again...

Damn this was a good book. I loved information technology. Only then again who wouldn't love ii handsome alpha men going at it. I loved the storyline, the suspense, the hotness. It does accept half of the volume for the MCs to become involved (sexually), but I actually didn't listen, because the built-upwardly was squeamish and the story was interesting. Once they do become together...sparks are flying mmmm.

I will definitely read this one again and I'g gonna check out some more books by this writer because I like her writing manner. I have read the first four books in the affair of time series, and I loved those too. This book is a bit hotter I accept to say...just the way I like it !! We likewise get some Sam Kage in this i....and I love Sam.

v stars from me considering ever since reading the cut and run serial I'm a sucker for hot alpha gay authority figures

Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘
Third re-read: 25.02.2021
I wasn't supposed to re-read this 1 and so soon, but here I am. The book is actually quite beautiful, and I dearest Miro and Ian's connection. I just desire more.
New rating: 3.5/3 stars.

2d re-read: 28.02.2020
Y'all know, this volume is really not and then bad. There are some things that bother me, merely if I await abroad from that, you lot go an enjoyable plot line, with some awesome characters, a practiced friendship, and a volume filled with deportment. Merely like I said, there are some things th
Third re-read: 25.02.2021
I wasn't supposed to re-read this one so presently, but here I am. The volume is actually quite cute, and I dearest Miro and Ian'southward connexion. I but want more than.
New rating: three.5/3 stars.

Second re-read: 28.02.2020
You know, this book is really non so bad. There are some things that bother me, but if I await abroad from that, you get an enjoyable plot line, with some awesome characters, a good friendship, and a book filled with actions. But similar I said, there are some things that I but tin can't expect abroad from, so I won't upwards the rating more. That existence said, I enjoyed this re-read.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Yet doing re-reads*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 25.03.2018
I decided to re-read this series, and then I could be up to date when I'k gonna read the latest book published. Strangely I liked it meliorate this fourth dimension effectually. So information technology'south safety to say that it wasn't a bad re-read for me. Usually when I re-read, the rating goes down, non up, and then I'chiliad glad it got up on this one. Maybe because I didn't compare Miro and Ian to Ty and Zane from the Cut & Run series. Or perhaps it was because I already knew what I would get. Who knows. Miro and Ian was more than likable now.

Other characters:
Chickie Baby, the wolf sorta looking dog of Ian (might be a malamute and Caucasian Ovcharka).
Colin Doyle, Ian's father. They take a awkward relationship equally Ian yet remember his dad leaving him and his mom when he was lilliputian.
↦ The four women who had been Miro's family since his freshman yr at the Academy of Chicago:
Catherine Benton, a doctor, one of the acme neurosurgeons in the country.
Janet Powell, one of the chief auditors in the Revenue enhancement Exempt & Authorities Entities (TE/GE) segmentation of the IRS. Ned, her hubby.
Aruna Duffy, works for twenty/xx, a journalist/raporter? Liam Duffy, her hubby.
Min Kwon, a litigator.
Ryan and his partner, Dorsey // Ching and his partner, Becker // Kowalski and his partner, Kohn // Sharpe and his partner, White; Deputy Usa Marshal working with Ian and Miro.
↦ Supervisory Deputy, Sam Kage, Ian and Miro'south boss.
Cabot Ford (xviii) and his beau, Cabot Jenner (eighteen), witnesses to a case, becomes Drake Palmer and Cabot Kincaid.
Craig Hartley, serial killer who is kinda obsessed with Miro - Craig near killed Miro (stabbed him) and Miro saved his life anyway. He's locked up and had been for the past iv years. He has genius IQ, superior strength, and he had been one of the top cardiothoracic surgeons in the land five years prior. He didn't wait like a monster, that had been everyone's mistake, and nineteen women had paid with their lives.
Brent Ivers, Miro'southward ex who had left him vi months ago for a job and a new life in Miami. At Brent'due south asking, it had never been exclusive.
Emma, Ian's girlfriend at the beginning of the book.
Tom Kenwood, the principal deputy, Kage's boss, and Ian and Miro'southward boss'south boss.
↦ Dr. Sean Cooper, Miro'south md later he was shot.

"I desire to be held downwardly past someone who could actually hurt me—"
"And?" I pried, needing more from him considering information technology was important, considering it would ground both of us.
"—but never would."
Information technology was me, only me, and we both knew it. The just person in the world he was completely himself with, whom he trusted implicitly, was the one in bed with him.

New Rating - 3 stars.

First read review:
I needed more from this book. It could actually accept been actually skilful, only in the end, I had trouble connecting with the characters. Deputy US Marshals Miroslav 'Miro' 'K' Jones (31) and ex-Special Forces soldier, the Dark-green Beret, Ian 'E' Doyle (36) was beautiful together, and even before they started going from friendship to more, they ever felt like they were more. Strangers could easily believe that they were together. All they kinda had to do was open their eyes. Also, subsequently 60-70% into the book, it/things felt rushed; like the author couldn't expect to get it done/finished...

"He took a breath. "I think at that place'south a reason I'm shitty in bed." I felt myself frowning, unhappy with him running himself down. "Which is?" "I think it's 'cause I've never been in bed with you."

Ian actually reminded me of Ty from Cut & Run but compared to Ty, Ian was zippo though. Only the similarities were at that place. What I liked nearly Mary Calmes is her ability to get that strong animalistic feeling forth; possessiveness, the demand to control and jealousy. In this book, I felt like she was belongings back. I wanted - no scratch that; I needed more than. I kinda expect it from her and I expect it in her volume. Overall, it could've been better, could've been deeper, but still the plot was interesting although that, too, could've been improve. Also, I was almost more interested in Ian and Miro'southward dominate, Kage. He was h o t.
"I've got you," he whispered into my ear. It went both means."

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Developed) Gimmicky Romance (One thousand/K).
Series: - Series, Book Ane.
Love triangle? - (view spoiler)[No. (hide spoiler)]
Cheating? - (view spoiler)[No. (hide spoiler)]
HEA? - (view spoiler)[Yep, for at present. (hide spoiler)]
Favorite character? - Miroslav "Miro" Jones.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yeah.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Unsure.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - 2.v stars.
...more than
*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time
four.5 Stars!

I really wish I could review this one properly.....but alas I am on vacation and my internet connection is shit.

But here's why I loved it....

--the friends to lovers trope
--the dynamic between Miro and Ian
--the delicious sexual tension and chemistry
--the slow burn down
--the underlying suspense/mystery
--the steam in the 2nd half
--the intensity of the relationship between Miro and Ian

Perchance it was perfect timing merely I really really loved this one!

four.5 Stars!

I really wish I could review this 1 properly.....simply alas I am on holiday and my net connection is shit.

But hither's why I loved information technology....

--the friends to lovers trope
--the dynamic between Miro and Ian
--the delicious sexual tension and chemistry
--the slow fire
--the underlying suspense/mystery
--the steam in the second one-half
--the intensity of the relationship between Miro and Ian

Maybe it was perfect timing but I really really loved this one!

Jan 15, 2020 rated it actually liked it
This is like a buddy-cop book with tons of activeness at every plow, if so the buddies turned around and realized they wanted to fuck. An action bromance with fucking.

Come up on, dude. You know y'all wanted a piece of a young, pre-racist, pre-crazy Mel Gibson.

Our bros are Miro and Ian. They are U.South. Marshals and have been partners for a few years. Miro is the gay, nevertheless stable, 1. Ian is the "directly" one who is a little unpredictable. A wild card. You know, the kind of guy that the chief has to yell

This is like a buddy-cop book with tons of action at every turn, if then the buddies turned around and realized they wanted to fuck. An action bromance with fucking.

Come on, dude. You know you wanted a piece of a young, pre-racist, pre-crazy Mel Gibson.

Our bros are Miro and Ian. They are U.Southward. Marshals and have been partners for a few years. Miro is the gay, yet stable, ane. Ian is the "straight" one who is a little unpredictable. A wild card. You know, the kind of guy that the primary has to yell at that he'southward outta control and he'll have his badge if he doesn't shape up?

How else will he learn?
Best buddy-cop movie always.

At that place is not only i large instance they need to solve, but there are many different things going on. Lots of marshal work, and lots of personal life. They are best friends and involved completely in each other's lives. Their banter, as cop-buddies, is smashing. They would make a fun team for a tv show or movie. They are also constantly beingness shot at, getting in crazy chases, and getting hurt. You have to suspend conventionalities when it comes to how much they can do and still keep walking around to do information technology the side by side day. I accept a feeling marshal piece of work isn't quite as exciting as they make it seem.

Or, maybe information technology is.

Once the directly guy realizes he might not be and then straight, it gets pretty cute/sweet/mushy/sexy/smutty.

I really liked the book considering of all of the activity. I liked the cop part of things considering information technology moved quickly. There weren't endless descriptions of fights or car chases, and it wasn't procedural where we waded through prove and interrogations for ages either. The pacing was actually good and kept things fresh. If you lot like gay romance and cop books, you will really enjoy it.

* A Reader Obsessed *
*Update - 08/17/xv*

Still 5 Stars!

In apprehension for Fit to exist Tied, I listened to this to refresh my retentivity. I'thousand happy to say I oasis't changed my mind 1 bit. It's Mary Calmes and then in that location'due south e'er a picayune disbelief, only it was withal hot and claiming and yummy fun. I love me an alpha and when there's two - even better. Miro and Ian are perfect for each other, and I tin't expect to read more about them!

This was my first Mary Calmes book and I'grand quite impressed. At starting time it read like a b

*Update - 08/17/fifteen*

Nevertheless v Stars!

In anticipation for Fit to be Tied, I listened to this to refresh my memory. I'm happy to say I haven't changed my mind ane bit. It'south Mary Calmes then there's always a lilliputian disbelief, but it was nonetheless hot and claiming and yummy fun. I love me an alpha and when there's two - fifty-fifty amend. Miro and Ian are perfect for each other, and I can't wait to read more about them!

This was my first Mary Calmes book and I'chiliad quite impressed. At get-go it read like a buddy cop dramedy - equal parts fun, funny, and ridiculous as these two MC's get into one mishap after the other. What's also ridiculous is how much Miro is a wearing apparel and shoe whore. But I digress because when Miro finally gets a clue about his "directly" partner and these two assemble that'southward when this volume takes off... and wow! Despite a very big bandage of characters that I institute difficult to keep runway of at times, tin this please be a series post-obit the crazy escapades of these two US Marshals? Pretty please?!

...more than
Rosa, really
Jun 04, 2014 rated information technology really liked it

I'm relieved to say....It didn't suck!


Subsequently reading some early comments by reviewers I was a little worried All Kinds of Tied Down was going to be another Floodgates, which I actually, REALLY, did not enjoy. Simply it was so much better!

Aye, Miss Mary still has a coat fetish (but would she exist Mary without it?), likewise as other oddities, but there is a definite lack of the overusage of ex boyfriends and adorable small-scale children. (view spoiler)[ description (hide spoiler)]

But I didn't love it. Maybe I'm merely i

I'yard relieved to say....It didn't suck!


After reading some early on comments past reviewers I was a little worried All Kinds of Tied Down was going to be another Floodgates, which I really, REALLY, did not enjoy. But it was so much better!

Yes, Miss Mary still has a coat fetish (but would she be Mary without it?), besides equally other oddities, but there is a definite lack of the overusage of ex boyfriends and adorable minor children. (view spoiler)[ description (hide spoiler)]

Simply I didn't dear it. Possibly I'm but in a meh mood lately, only I didn't discover it as compelling equally I do other Calmes books.

Perchance I missed everyone in a 5 state radius telling the MC he'southward a beautiful shiny calorie-free in their lives and everyone who doesn't detest him for existence and then fuckin' fabulous, loves him and/or wants to rub ane off on his leg?


Any! Information technology was notwithstanding entertaining, ridiculous & romantic skilful fun. Guaranteed to appeal to Mary fans everywhere.

Now WHEN CAN I Get MY Adjacent Fix, MARY?

3.five stars

P.S. Sam Kage makes several appearances in this book. I think I'm going to take to read the unabridged A Matter of Time series once again.

P.P.S. I just want to add...Miss Mary?


Jun 28, 2014 rated it liked information technology

two.v stars

Mary Calmes is my crack. I don't apologize for loving her stuff. Certain, it'due south formulaic, merely once I embraced that fact, I realized the formula works for me. It's my comfort food. She's my mac-n-cheese of grand/m romance.

The best parts of the Mary Calmes formula are the over-the-superlative characters who love each other fiercely (MINE! MINE! YOU. ARE. MINE!) and have really actually hot curve-y'all-in-half sex, and that place are always guns.

The worst parts of the Mary Calmes formula are the myriad of s

two.five stars

Mary Calmes is my crack. I don't apologize for loving her stuff. Sure, it'due south formulaic, only once I embraced that fact, I realized the formula works for me. It's my comfort food. She's my mac-due north-cheese of k/g romance.

The best parts of the Mary Calmes formula are the over-the-meridian characters who beloved each other fiercely (MINE! MINE! You. ARE. MINE!) and have really actually hot curve-y'all-in-half sex activity, and that location are always guns.

The worst parts of the Mary Calmes formula are the myriad of side characters (wait, should I know this guy from another volume or not? Why do I have to meet x of the friends who won't bear witness upwards on another page again?), totally unbelievable suspense plots, and countenance waggles...I hate the waggle...lamentable.

So, what happened here in this book? The scales tipped. All the best parts were outweighed past the worst parts. And the formula...failed. Information technology's like when you put too much of something in a recipe and it changes how it'due south supposed to sense of taste. I found myself reading this volume thinking "What the heck is going on here? I'chiliad totally confused. And when are we gonna get to the skillful parts?".

At present, all is not lost. Miro is in honey with his partner, his best friend, and Mr. Straight-as-an-arrow, Ian.  I loved these two. Miro is the Jory in the mix (everyone loves him, dontchaknow). And Ian eventually figures out that even he loves him...a skilful ol' fashioned gay-for-you (possibly out-for-you, but I don't remember reading the details, if they were in that location...). And their devotion to each other both as friends, and eventually equally lovers, pushed all my happy buttons.

It'due south just...they didn't actually get together until well past the halfway marking and there wasn't any SMEXY parts until the second half of the book!!!! I mean...c'Monday! I tin can accept that with some other authors/books, but information technology's not role of the FORMULA! I actually read the first half of this book thinking, "this is a HOT mess!"

There are a agglomeration of side characters that you practise know (or should) from other Calmes books (wheeee! SAM KAGE ALL OVER THE Place!). Just, the risk now of doing this is that you've got my head in the irritated space of "well, are they ALL gay in this town'south law enforcement?"

And by the terminate, I was just tired, confused, and slightly annoyed. And simply liking Miro and Ian wasn't plenty to salve this volume for me.

If you're new to Mary Calmes, in that location are ameliorate books out there for you to endeavor.

If you lot're office of the fanbase, you'll read this one anyway, despite my review...and quite frankly, you should. Considering information technology's Mary. And nosotros all take our favorites and our least favorites. This i but didn't work for me...

 photo 78a31e15-a8d3-46a9-9088-cbb9656dff10_zpsd43ac4b1.jpg

Sep 09, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Re-read December 2020
Tin can I have an Ian and Miro and live in Mary-land forever and e'er?


God, how I love Mary's writing. All her characters are so intense, I love them all.

Both Marshals, Miro and Ian have been working together equally partners for the last iii years. Miro is convinced Ian is straight, fifty-fifty though he himself is out and proud.

When Miro starts to question if Ian is indeed as straight as he thought, he decides to take a chance.

It was almost scary to realize that if I was r

Re-read December 2020
Can I take an Ian and Miro and live in Mary-state forever and ever?


God, how I love Mary's writing. All her characters are so intense, I dearest them all.

Both Marshals, Miro and Ian have been working together as partners for the concluding 3 years. Miro is convinced Ian is direct, even though he himself is out and proud.

When Miro starts to question if Ian is indeed as straight as he thought, he decides to have a take chances.

Information technology was almost scary to realize that if I was reading him right, if Ian wanted what it seemed like he might, so this would exist the very last fourth dimension I wouldn't be able to touch him whenever I wanted. Everything would change, because Ian Doyle would belong to me.

This had such a overnice slow fire, I was thrilled. But when these guys finally got together.. holy moly, they were SMOKING HOT! (With an unexpected twist, which fabricated it fifty-fifty hotter)


What I loved nigh about these guys together was that I felt as if they really needed each other. One was simply less without the other. I especially liked it that Ian was then needy, only but with Miro.

Ian sucked in a deep jiff. "Okay, so I gotta go get on the plane, only, uhm, I'll see you in the morning time, all right?"
"Ian, don' t do—"
"I wanna see y'all!"
It took a scrap for his words to sink in. He wanted to meet me?
"Okay? Is that fine? " he snapped irritably.
It was then much more fine. "Yeah, that's practiced."

And these guys were so badass!

"Hey," I said. "Everything all right upward there?"
"The fuck should I know, I'm in the elevator!"
" Why're yous mad? "
" Why am I mad? " he yelled. " You lot jumped off a fucking building!"
" Ian—"
"What the fuck?!"
"C' mon, what'southward the large bargain? You jumped off a balustrade the other day."
"That was different and yous were right behind me!" He was indignant and really loud.


Mary Calmes is like cleft!


Oct sixteen, 2016 marked it as did-not-end-dnf
DNF @50%

This is 1 of those books where I wonder: Am I reading the same books as anybody else?

Or is it me? I estimate IT IS ME because I've counted xiii friends who read information technology and I couldn't notice a single bad review. So, don't take my stance in consideration if you lot want to read this story.

My bug:
• I tin can take a 36 year erstwhile guy beingness in the closet, for whatever reason. I respect that. At least he knows what he likes: guys. He is deceiving others, but not himself. What I cannot believe is Ian, beingness

DNF @50%

This is one of those books where I wonder: Am I reading the same books as everyone else?

Or is it me? I estimate IT IS ME because I've counted 13 friends who read it and I couldn't find a unmarried bad review. And so, don't accept my opinion in consideration if you want to read this story.

My issues:
• I can have a 36 year old guy being in the closet, for whatever reason. I respect that. At to the lowest degree he knows what he likes: guys. He is deceiving others, just not himself. What I cannot believe is Ian, existence 36 and not even realizing that he was playing in the wrong team. How could that be? He was completely clueless. As a reader I could discover something was off in his honey life. He was in a relationship with a girl, unhappy. The daughter was also unhappy and calling him a selfish lover. And that was that. I couldn't read him. There was not a unmarried scissure in his graphic symbol that I could take a peek and see he was attracted to guys. I needed that. I needed him at least to admit he was curious.

• Miro'south concerns about what to article of clothing to work. I had no patience for that shit. He liked wearing expensive stuff, which would exist OK if information technology was an role job. Not the instance hither. He was a U.s. Deputy Marshal wearing expensive shoes, gun in hands, styled hair, branded jackets, running in alleys catching lowlifes. It doesn't fit. For many information technology can be a modest particular but information technology rubbed me incorrect.

•The story was slooooow. The guys were doing this trip the light fantastic toe effectually each other forever. Miro was clearly lusting after Ian. I wasn't certain about Ian's intention though. Sometimes all the build-up and slow burn works terrifically with me. However, because Ian was with a girl and others besides were mentioned in the story I could not relate. Every time he stepped in Miro's space, it seemed more like a friendly attitude, not him being interested in Miro. At 30% nothing has happened and Ian leaves the story for a while in a trip to God knows where and how long for because I started to skim.
I am stopping at 50% and Ian is still not dorsum from his trip. The story continues with Miro. Other characters were introduced. I couldn't care less well-nigh them.

Jun 04, 2014 rated it actually liked it
↑↑↑ This was pretty much me. I absolutely devoured this book. It was an entertaining, fast-paced read that I never actually had any desire to put down at all.

These two were crazy, hard-assed U.South. Marshals who constantly leaped off balconies,
...were definitely not afraid to body slam a few criminals and go crude,
...and who sometimes went all-out, guns blazing.

And when these two somewhen gave into their mutual attraction for one another? I don't even need to say it, but information technology was hawt.
Especially co

↑↑↑ This was pretty much me. I absolutely devoured this book. Information technology was an entertaining, fast-paced read that I never actually had any desire to put down at all.

These two were crazy, hard-assed U.S. Marshals who constantly leaped off balconies,
...were definitely not afraid to trunk slam a few criminals and go crude,
...and who sometimes went all-out, guns blazing.

And when these ii eventually gave into their mutual attraction for one another? I don't even demand to say it, but information technology was hawt.
Particularly because the fact that Ian, the bad-ass Greenish Beret, wants nothing more than to be held down and utterly controlled in bed.
And because these two were and then damn hot together, it is no surprise that I wanted more than. They didn't even assemble until the 57% mark, so nosotros don't see whatsoever more steamy scenes until the 85% mark and the terminate. I really, really needed more smexy scenes between these two and is the merely reason I am giving this one 4 stars instead of 5.

Overall, this was a quick, activity-packed, fun read that I immensely enjoyed. Information technology was my 2d Mary Calmes read and was definitely a success for me.

This book was ridiculously entertaining!

There's shootouts...

Chasing bad guys off buildings...

Shit blowing upwards...

Hot smexin'...

And everything that makes a Mary Calmes book awesome like pies and peacoats and everybody and their mothers love and adore the MC, etc., etc. I loved it!

Thanks to Rosa and anybody who joined us on this BR!

This book was ridiculously entertaining!

There's shootouts...

Chasing bad guys off buildings...

Shit blowing upwardly...

Hot smexin'...

And everything that makes a Mary Calmes book awesome similar pies and peacoats and everybody and their mothers dearest and adore the MC, etc., etc. I loved information technology!

Cheers to Rosa and everyone who joined united states on this BR!

Jenni Lea
Jun 04, 2014 rated it information technology was astonishing

iv.v big, happy satisfied stars

I loved it! I'k a truthful blue Mary Calmes addict. GIMME More than!

4.5 big, happy satisfied stars

I loved it! I'thousand a true blueish Mary Calmes addict. GIMME More than!

Mar 22, 2015 rated it it was astonishing
Re-read January 19, 2017: Just equally good equally the showtime time. 5/5.

Mary Fuckin' Calmes.

Y'all fabled, crazy girl, you!

This is how I felt later reading "A Matter of Time 1 & 2". Then high.

Because this was i wild fuckin' ride.

I get information technology. Trust me, I've made this same indicate to many people *cough* SheReadsALot, that MC is just And then Farthermost.

Okay. But get this. Come closer. Closer. Listen.

It'south then campy, and at present that I can finally sit down back and appreciate it FOR its campiness... I'm all upwards in the hizouse. It took me

Re-read January 19, 2017: Just as good as the first time. five/v.

Mary Fuckin' Calmes.

You fabled, crazy daughter, you!

This is how I felt after reading "A Matter of Time 1 & 2". So loftier.

Because this was one wild fuckin' ride.

I go it. Trust me, I've fabricated this same indicate to many people *cough* SheReadsALot, that MC is merely SO EXTREME.

Okay. But get this. Come closer. Closer. Mind.

It's so campy, and now that I tin can finally sit back and appreciate it FOR its campiness... I'1000 all up in the hizouse. It took me some time, but here I am. Proud Calmes bat-shit-crazy appreciator.

This volume is fucking hot. And it's totally unbelievable. And there are at to the lowest degree to the lowest degree two explosions and ten one thousand thousand bullets and impossible odds and way too much talk about feelings and a alpha who loves bottoming and a million people hit on them and aroused jealous handies.

Fuck, it'due south hot. Okay? So damn hot.

Oh, and it's fun. There are parts where I recall it'south wordy and irrelevant information takes over. Guess what? Don't give a shit. Loved it anyway.

OH. AND P FUCKIN' S... babysitting someone's domestic dog and then awkwardly asking them if yous tin KEEP Information technology is just fuckin' rude.

Existent rude.

But sayin'.


...more than
Feb 20, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Re-read 11th - 13th September 2018

Loved it just as much (if not more) the second fourth dimension.

Original review.

I can't believe it's taken me and so long to read this book.
Deputy US Marshall Miro Jones is partnered with ex-Special Forces soldier and Green Beret Ian Doyle. As the blurb says Ian is the kind of guy who can start a brawl in an empty room and so Miro has his work cut our for him. I simply loved these ii, their relationship, how it developed and everything especially Chickie.
There's no point making thi

Re-read 11th - 13th September 2018

Loved information technology merely as much (if non more) the second time.

Original review.

I tin't believe it's taken me so long to read this book.
Deputy US Marshall Miro Jones is partnered with ex-Special Forces soldier and Green Beret Ian Doyle. As the blurb says Ian is the kind of guy who can get-go a brawl in an empty room so Miro has his work cut our for him. I only loved these two, their relationship, how it developed and everything particularly Chickie.
There'southward no point making this a long review since there's already then many. So it'due south direct onto Fit to be Tied for me and when I've finished this series I'thousand going to check if there's a book on Sam Kage. I figure there must exist considering the human being'south an enigma.
In fact this is my kickoff 5* read of the year. Not including re-reads.
I loved this book from the first folio to the last and the simply reason it virtually didn't get the five* may seem small and petty. I couldn't become over Miro and his obsession with clothes and wearing designer clothes for work considering what job he has. It seemed odd at first only then every bit information technology continued on and it irritated the hell out of me. I know I was supposed to find it funny like I did so much of the book merely I merely didn't work. The residual of it even so was brilliant.

Nov 26, 2017 rated it actually liked it
iv.25 stars!

I'm so glad I read this book fifty-fifty though I was a bit scared I wouldn't like it since some of my GR friends loved it and some didn't I wasn't sure how it would be for me, merely I'g glad I followed my book instinct and gave it a go.

"All Kinds Of Tied Down" is the story of deputy align's Miro and Ian who are not simply partners at work, but also all-time friends. Miro is attracted to Ian, merely things are complicated since Ian is straight simply Miro can't help being close to him anyway he can.


4.25 stars!

I'k so glad I read this book fifty-fifty though I was a bit scared I wouldn't like information technology since some of my GR friends loved it and some didn't I wasn't sure how information technology would exist for me, but I'one thousand glad I followed my book instinct and gave it a go.

"All Kinds Of Tied Downwards" is the story of deputy marshal's Miro and Ian who are not merely partners at work, only also all-time friends. Miro is attracted to Ian, simply things are complicated since Ian is straight but Miro can't help being close to him anyhow he can.

I actually enjoyed Miro and Ian's relationship the build upwards it had, they had this connection that not fifty-fifty they realized how strong it was. Ian was such a tough guy and aloof to other people but never to Miro with him he was possessive protective and demanding, he didn't intendance virtually showing his vulnerability to Miro. Miro of grade relish every moment with Ian not but having each other's back at their dangerous work but at the same fourth dimension fighting the sexual pull he felt. Once the lines are crossed and they realized how much they want each other the sexual chemical science was hot every buss, every touch, so delicious.

Another function I liked was the MC work the fact that they were marshal'south and had to become and find their missing witnesses, escort them to court or condom houses added action to the story. With each instance we get to see how complications occur or how they are affected past them and how personal information technology can be for them.

This was a solid read for me even though information technology did wearisome just a bit at times, and Miro was a bit also reckless at work sometimes, but other than that I definitely programme to read more than of this serial.❤️

...more than
Nov 22, 2017 rated it it was ok
ii Stars

DNF @ 71%

Yes, I read that so far and didn't relish information technology. Really, I pushed myself to finish information technology. I told myself the 2nd half would be meliorate only no, it didn't happen and I couldn't go along reading whatsoever more. I got bored fifty-fifty the action parts couldn't keep my focus and my mind wandering everywhere. I think it was just me so don't pay whatever attending to me and read it, I promise yous bask it!

Reread November 2019

Wow...what a difference 2 years can make. Even though I have already read this, I was not bored this time and I loved them together. All the things that bothered me the first go round didn't this time. Information technology'southward yet OTT because, hullo, it's Mary Calmes, but that'south ane of the things I love about her books. There were enough of swoon-worthy moments between them as well.

On a side note, I read this first before her A Matter of Time series and this is what got me interested in Sa

Reread Nov 2019

Wow...what a divergence two years can make. Even though I have already read this, I was non bored this time and I loved them together. All the things that bothered me the start go circular didn't this fourth dimension. It'southward still OTT because, hello, information technology'south Mary Calmes, but that's one of the things I love about her books. There were plenty of swoon-worthy moments between them too.

On a side notation, I read this showtime before her A Thing of Time series and this is what got me interested in Sam-Fucking-Kage. I feel some other reread coming on...

Originally read Nov 2017

I enjoyed this for the almost part. Past seventy% I put information technology down because I was just getting bored. There was so much going on and then Ian leaves for a couple of months and nosotros get what was going on with Miro for a while. And then at that place's more stuff happening. I demand the romance to exist main focus. Just, having said that, I did like it. I picked it support to cease it. I recall they are a peachy couple when they're actually doing couple things. It was definitely OTT and yous have to permit get of the realm of believability because it is sorely defective here.

Overall, I liked information technology enough to keep on and come across what happens with these 2.

Dec 17, 2019 rated information technology it was amazing
.I love activity/adventure, Alphas, cops as heroes, friends-turned-lovers, and m/one thousand romance and so this really did it for me. And holy hotness, the scene on the airplane was and so erotic, and they never even took their clothes off and nothing really even happened!
Kelly (and the Book Boar)
This volume was and then hot it made my underwears melt right off . . . .

Okay, I lie. That's non all. I should mention if all buddy cop action films ended upwards with the two alpha males banging each other there'south a solid take chances I'd spend more time watching movies with my husband. And rather than my normal response to an offer of "Netflix and Chill" . . . .

There's a slim gamble things might actually work out for the ol' hubbo . . . .

I'm not even going to get into the "gay for y'all" trope bein

This book was so hot it made my underwears cook right off . . . .

Okay, I lie. That'south not all. I should mention if all buddy cop action films ended upward with the ii blastoff males banging each other there's a solid chance I'd spend more than time watching movies with my husband. And rather than my normal response to an offering of "Netflix and Chill" . . . .

At that place's a slim take a chance things might really work out for the ol' hubbo . . . .

I'm not even going to get into the "gay for you" trope beingness 1 that is nigh probable offensive to a bulk of the population. It'south a porno. I tin let a lot of things slide for the sake of the omnipotent sploosh. This was my first Mary Calmes (many thankings to Jilly for the rec) but it certain as shit won't be my last. All the starzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Kat, short for Clara
Have you ever had the feeling of unbridled joy from getting something yous never knew you even wanted? Well, I experienced such a feeling while reading All Kinds of Tied Downward.

You see, I have a serious, serious thing for Timothy Olyphant. And that matter is especially potent when Timothy Olyphant is being Deputy U.Due south. Marshal Raylan Givens in Justified.


I also have big love for the film The Silence of the Lambs.

No swoon for Hannibal the Carnivorous.

So imagine me reading a book that has Deput

Take you always had the feeling of unbridled joy from getting something you never knew you fifty-fifty wanted? Well, I experienced such a feeling while reading All Kinds of Tied Downwards.

Y'all see, I accept a serious, serious thing for Timothy Olyphant. And that thing is specially potent when Timothy Olyphant is being Deputy U.S. Align Raylan Givens in Justified.


I also take big love for the film The Silence of the Lambs.

No swoon for Hannibal the Cannibal.

So imagine me reading a book that has Deputy U.S. Marshals as its main characters. I'g naturally going to be thinking of Raylan Givens/Timothy Olyphant, amirite?


Now imagine I'k reading a book well-nigh a Deputy U.Southward. Marshal who goes to visit and negotiate with a prisoner described like this:

It was a whole big procedure of manacles and leg shackles when Hartley was finally brought in. It would have been considered overkill, only between his genius IQ, superior force, and the fact he had been ane of the top cardiothoracic surgeons in the country five years prior, they weren't taking any chances.
Oh yar. I should also mention said prisoner is a doctor. Do you see where I'm going with this? Here's a visual clue.

No swoon for Hannibal the Cannibal.

And then basically this had Raylan Givens coming together Hannibal Lecter and that had me all...

... which you lot tin can take to mean I found it virtually excellent.


Anyways. As for the residual of the book, it was but all so illogical and batshit crazy, merely such was the level of intoxication Mary Calmes had me under, I seriously considered replacing For Real with this equally my favourite volume of the year while I read information technology.

Would recommend - but go out your encephalon at the door if y'all do because there ain't no need for it here.

...more than
Jul 08, 2014 rated it it was amazing
5th re-read Apr 2021
Feels like coming domicile!
Still 5 stars
How did this miss my purview? Hmm??

Of class I rectified this.

New Mary Calmes is a balm I never want to quit.

*claps* Let the Rapture embark!!!!


Jan eighteen, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I im in love with Miro and Ian.. The Writing is superb
Aug 18, 2014 rated it information technology was amazing  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Everyone
Read 08/18/2014, 09, 10, 11, 12/2014

This is one of my favorite Mary Calmes books (oh, who am I kidding, about all of her books are my "favorites"!) and I but love the relationship betwixt Miro and Ian. It's a flake of a slow burn - only the payoff for that is huge.


The dominance and submission, without it actually being D/s, is H.O.T.


And the action, of which there is a lot, is really fun to read (or mind to).


UPDATED FOR AUDIO Book December 9, 2014, 01/2015, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08/2

Read 08/18/2014, 09, 10, eleven, 12/2014

This is i of my favorite Mary Calmes books (oh, who am I kidding, nearly all of her books are my "favorites"!) and I simply honey the relationship between Miro and Ian. It's a fleck of a slow burn - but the payoff for that is huge.


The dominance and submission, without information technology actually being D/s, is H.O.T.


And the action, of which there is a lot, is actually fun to read (or mind to).


UPDATED FOR AUDIO BOOK DEC 9, 2014, 01/2015, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08/2015

Narrator Tristan James is AWESOME. I would buy almost annihilation read past Tristan James. I love this human being's voice.

This is ane of those things that gets meliorate every time I read or mind to information technology!

Trisha Harrington
Um... I'g non sure what to say. I didn't dear this every bit much equally I wanted to. Possibly I'm just having an off mean solar day? Not sure. I'll probably read it again just to see, considering Mary Calmes is still one of my go-to authors and I normally adore her books. This but didn't work for me right at present. Um... I'k non sure what to say. I didn't love this as much as I wanted to. Maybe I'm but having an off day? Not sure. I'll probably read it again only to see, because Mary Calmes is still i of my go-to authors and I commonly adore her books. This simply didn't work for me right now. ...more
Written January i, 2015

three 1/2 Stars - Cozy feelgood romance in a prime good Ms. Mary Calmes manner

And so this went out to be my terminal finished romance 2014, an ix hrs audiobook narrated by an old acquaintance by now; Tristan James. A GFY cop partners story. ~ A adept final one!!

I wished for some amusing and sweet Mary Calmes M/M-time and I absolutely got just that.

If All Kinds of Tied Down had been my first book by her should I probably had loved it, happy-danced and raited it much higher.

Written January ane, 2015

3 1/2 Stars - Cozy feelgood romance in a prime skillful Ms. Mary Calmes style

And so this went out to be my concluding finished romance 2014, an 9 hrs audiobook narrated by an sometime associate by now; Tristan James. A GFY cop partners story. ~ A expert last ane!!

I wished for some agreeable and sugariness Mary Calmes Grand/G-time and I absolutely got but that.

If All Kinds of Tied Down had been my first book by her should I probably had loved it, happy-danced and raited it much higher. After a couple of books is it, sorry to say, a fleck "old aforementioned". But that's quite skillful also some days... like a New year Eve when y'all want something lite and fluffy.


Deputy U.s. Marshal Miro Jones is the calm, well dressed, fancy, gay agent. Ian Doyle is his wild, funny and dangerous hotshot, everyday work partner. Ian is besides straight with an overnice girlfriend (and a large shaggy cutie dog).

"Only I love him similar crazy, you know? And when you love someone like crazy, should you lot stand effectually being scared that something might not piece of work out, or do you do something nearly it and take a risk?"

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

These past 3 years of their life-and-death job, they've gone from strangers to professional person coworkers to devoted teammates and best friends. Miro actually trust the homo who has his back... but he as well feels something more.
'He took a breath. "I recollect there'southward a reason I'm shitty in bed."
I felt myself frowning, unhappy with him running himself down. "Which is?"
"I call up it's 'cause I've never been in bed with you."


Every bit much as this is well-nigh Miro and Ian, and their love story'south progress, is it almost all their happy funny friends, corking coworkers, beauteous boss, their crime cases, some criminals, some people they help etc. These two guys are nice and they meet a lot of dainty people.

This is of grade well-nigh of all Miro'south story. Nosotros volition be told a lot about his life (shitty babyhood, groovy university years...) and about his huge admiration and big heartbreaking sweet love for this Ian guy. Miro (and Ian) is a typical Ms. Calmes primary grapheme and it's just impossible to not have him to your center.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

"I've got you," he whispered into my ear.
Information technology went both ways.'

Sometimes I wish that Mary Calmes concentrated her stories more on the basic storyline and not added then much people, and their life-stories. I felt that this book loses focus now and then. In the cease is information technology a book about goose egg... or should I say; far too picayune about far to many different topics.

In my opinion would it had been better, and to be honest enough, with simply a single one (maybe two) crime cases and just a few best buddies. Instead could information technology had been more time almost these 2 main guys, them together and the development of them as a dearest couple.

Cute merely slightly ... oh well ... and now what?


Iii or four stars? Whatever, I like this kind of "make me warm in the heart and silly smiling" stories and it will be more of them this new volume reading year 2015.

I Like - when it's sweet as sugar but yummy tasty

Thanks for this lovely book rec, dear Are! I can well sympathize that you (so) at in one case roughshod in love in this kind of sweet Mary Calmes fairy tale do I, again and again.

Mary Calmes believes in romance, happily always afters, and the faith it takes for her characters to get there. She bleeds java, thinks chocolate should be its own food group, and currently lives in Kentucky with a five-pound furry ninja that protects her from baby birds, spiders and the neighbour'southward dogs. To stay up to date on her ponderings and pandemonium (equally well as the adventures of the ninja) Mary Calmes believes in romance, happily ever afters, and the organized religion information technology takes for her characters to get in that location. She bleeds coffee, thinks chocolate should be its own food grouping, and currently lives in Kentucky with a five-pound furry ninja that protects her from baby birds, spiders and the neighbor's dogs. To stay upwards to date on her ponderings and pandemonium (as well as the adventures of the ninja) follow her on Twitter @MaryCalmes, connect with her on Facebook, and subscribe to her Mary's Mob newsletter. ...more than

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"I've got y'all," he whispered into my ear. It went both means." — 11 likes
"He took a breath. "I think in that location'south a reason I'k shitty in bed."

I felt myself frowning, unhappy with him running himself downward. "Which is?"

"I think it's 'cause I've never been in bed with you."

— nine likes
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